Housing Conditions of Miners

Extracted from “The Housing Condition of Miners” Report by the Medical Officer of Health, Dr John T. Wilson, 1910

Bent Colliery Company Ltd, Bothwell

Hamilton Palace Mine, situated at Bothwell Haugh, opposite the Hamilton Palace Low Parks, near the right bank of the Clyde.

Persons employed under ground, 955; above ground, 250; total, 1,205

The employees reside - in mine owners' houses situated at Bothwellhaugh, 965; and in rented houses situated at Hamilton, Bothwell, Uddingston, Motherwell, &c., 240.

The mine-owners' houses situated at Bothwell Haugh number 458. This is one of the largest mining villages or colonies in the district. The houses are classified thus:- 79 one-apartment houses, annual rental £4 17s. 6d. where the water is outside the dwelling; where the water supply is inside the dwelling, £5 4s.; 349 two apartments, annual rental, £7 3s. with midden privies; annual rental, £9 5s., with scullery and water closet for two tenants; and annual rental, £10 1s. 6d., where there is a scullery and water-closet for each tenant ; 27 three apartments, annual rental, £10 8s; where there is a water-closet and scullery, annual rental, £13 ; and where there is a bath also £14 6s.; 3 four apartment houses, annual rental, £15 12s., with all modern conveniences. The owners pay all occupiers rates and taxes.

Walls have damp-proof courses, floors ventilated, scavenged by owners, ash-pits cleaned every day ; newest houses have ash-bins of galvanised iron.

Click here to view floor plan redrawn from the 1910 report.  The houses shown are probably Raith Place.