1843 Poor Law Commission

Extracts from "Poor Law inquiry (Scotland.) Appendix, part III. Containing minutes of evidence taken in the synods of Angus and Mearns, Perth and Stirling, Fife, Glasgow and Ayr, Galloway, Dumfries, Merse and Teviotdale, Lothian and Tweeddale. "


Population in 1841, 1261
Paupers relieved in 1842, 29
Sum distributed amongst them, £48 : 11 : 9.

Mr Andrew Inglis, Session-Clerk of Dalgety. 7 February 1844
He is session clerk of Dalgety, and has been so for thirty-three years. There is no regular assessment for the maintenance of the poor in that parish; but they have voluntary donations when the minister and kirk-session call for them, to the amount of £20 or £30 a year, just as required.

The greatest number of persons upon their poor roll are colliers` widows and children. A widow, with three young children, receives a peek and a half of meal weekly, with a free house and garden. The garden will contain eighteen or twenty falls at least. A person, unable to work, but not bed-ridden, living by themselves, would get a pack of meal or 1s. a week. Blind persons have received 3s. a week. They had an orphan also who was boarded with an aunt at 3s. a week. All the poor living in the parish have houses with gardens of from eighteen to twenty falls. They have also coals from Sir Philip Durham at colliers` price, that is, as witness understands, at half the ordinary price. The greater part of them, likewise, have broth once a week from Sir Philip Durham; and he also gives meal to a number of them in addition to the parish allowance. There is one woman, living out of the parish who has 2s. a week. There are no paupers in the parish, except upon Sir Philip Durham’s estate; and they have all medical attendance when necessary. Witness does not know how it is paid.

There has been no doctor’s fee paid by the parish for this number of` years. The working colliers pay 4d. a fortnight for medical attendance and advice to such as require it amongst: them.

Witness is acquainted with all the paupers in the parish, and sees them in their own houses, where he pays them. Some of their houses are not very good, but if they want clothing or bed-clothes the parish provides them. They have, in general, plenty of fuel.

There are no beggars belonging to the parish. A few stranger beggars come into the parish, -not one for ten that there was formerly. The police have caused a great diminution in their numbers.

Witness has found no difficulty in the administration of the poor laws. Although they are not present at the meetings when the minister and the session state what is necessary for the poor, upon witness making out a minute of it, the heritors cheerfully pay what is wanted. He has not found much inconvenience from questions about settlement. The session have £80 in the hands of Sir Philip Durham, for which he pays five per cent and £50 in the bank of Scotland. The heritors pay at the parish school for the education of those children whose parents are not able to pay the school fees, off the parish funds. Sir Philip Durham himself pays for the education of the poor children in the south end of the parish; and it is he also that provides houses and gardens for the poor.