
The Quarrelton colliers continue to hold out, by receiving support from their brethren in other places. Their successors are daily becoming more expert workmen, so that there is little prospect of any adjustment of differences being soon effected between the proprietor and the old colliers. An attempt was, we understand, lately made to set fire to one of the pits, and a large reward was offered for the discovery of the incendiaries, but without effect. Some trifling animosities exist between the families of the new and old workmen - no collisions, however, of a serious nature have occurred. In the mean time they hold no intercourse with each other.- Paisley Paper. [Caledonian Mercury 03 December 1825]

Orange Demonstrations At Paisley – Fatal Affray At Linwood – Tuesday being the 12th of July, the Orange Lodge of Paisley, in conjunction with those of Linwood and Johnstone, marched in procession through these several places, in commemoration of the 12th of July. The Paisley party started about six o'clock, and consisted of about three or four hundred. They were headed by a band of music, and had with them flags and banners. At Millerston they were attacked by a body of Roman Catholic miners, but nothing serious took place, and they proceeded quietly to Johnstone and Quarrelton. On returning, at mid-day they went round to Linwood, and when crossing a bridge over the Black Cart, to the South of the Oil Cage, they found themselves opposed by a body of two or three hundred miners armed. A desperate melee ensured. Numerous shots were fired from both sides, but, apparently, they must have been intended more to frighten than to hurt their opponents, as, among the wounded, there are few suffering from gun-shot wounds. As the strife continued, however, they came to closer quarters, using knives and bludgeons with the most reckless indifference to consequences. Ultimately, after the fight had lasted for nearly forty minutes, the Romanists gave way, and fled along the road to Inkermann, leaving one of their party dead on the road, and several seriously wounded. Two prisoners (both Romanists), were apprehended by the county police - one of whom, who was stabbed in the thigh, it was with the utmost difficulty the officers could save from the fury of the Orangemen, two pistol shots being fired at them after they were in custody. During the whole time of march no disturbance took place, nor was any annoyance given to the inhabitants, unless when the procession was attacked by the Ribbonmen. The man killed has not been identified; his skull was very severely fractured, and he was stabbed in the right breast. One of the wounded, an engineman from Inkermann, is suffering from a serious gun-shot wound in the face; and another, a man named Burns, is stabbed in the right breast, close to the nipple, besides cut on the head. The affray has caused much excitement. The procession, after it was over, proceeded to Paisley without further molestation, the majority of the wounded who were able to walk accompanying it. In Paisley the enrolled Pensioners were called out and lodged in the barracks, but there was no appearance of any further disturbance when our parcel left. Morning Journal.
The following is a list of the names of those more seriously wounded, so far as we were enabled to obtain them. A great many more, however, were taken to Paisley and Johnstone by their friends:- James Marshall, engineman, Inkermann - shot apparently with slugs, immediately under the left eye. John Burns, miner's driver (Romanist) - stabbed in the right breast. Edward Little, labourer, Paisley (Orange man) - severely cut on the head. ____Johnstone, shoemaker, Paisley (Orangeman) - Cut severely on the head. Joseph Fraser, Linwood (Orangeman) - Severe scalp wounds. John Dickson, 79 High Street, Paisley (Orangeman) - Cut on the head. John Mellon, printcutter, Paisley (Orangeman) as also his wife - Cut on the head and face. Two prisoners were taken -one of them we have already noticed as having only escaped with his life through the intervention of the police. He gives his name as Patrick M’Graw, Newton Street, Paisley. He is stabbed in the thigh, and had one of his wrists cut. The other prisoner gave his name as Francis Brannan. Both are Roman Catholics. As was to be anticipated, the affray has created great excitement in the neighbourhood. In the afternoon, nearly all the miners in the district left their work; but when our parcel was dispatched last night, no further disturbance was reported. The enrolled pensioners resident in Paisley were called out in the afternoon, and lodged in the Paisley barracks for the night, there being no military at the present time in the district.-Glasgow Mail. [Belfast News-Letter 15 July 1859]

Johnstone – New Industry -A new industry is about to be started at No. 3 Douglas Pit, in the vicinity of Inkermann. Mr D. R. Adam, Kirkhill Collieries, Cambuslang, is putting down extensive and powerful plant for the conversion of the blaze bings into bricks. The works are to be of an extensive class; and as there are huge piles of the refuse, work will probably go on for a good many years. [Glasgow Herald 16 April 1895]